Monday, March 30, 2020

Printable Resources from CMSD

Did you know that CMSD has printable resources for students in Grades k-12 available on their website?  Please visit and access your grade level for Math, Reading, Science, and Social Studies lessons.

Access all materials HERE

Here is an example of what you might find in 4th grade Math

Friday, March 27, 2020

It's StoryTime!

Want a good old-fashioned Story Time?  Look no further than Story Line Online.  This webpage has dozens of books read aloud to you (sometimes by famous actors and authors!).  Explore the titles and listen along!  Make sure you leave a comment below and let me know which book you listen to at Story Line.  

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

PBS Kids, Resources

PBS might have been your favorite when you LOVED Elmo or Dora, but have you checked it out lately?  There are some great games, resources, videos, and learning activities.  I am linking a few here, but go explore for yourself!

Design Squad!

Wild Kratts!

Odd Squad!

Cyber Chase!

Explore away and share with your younger siblings and cousins, too!

Monday, March 23, 2020

Are YOU Getting Enough Sleep

You may be tempted to stay up late and play video games or read while you have time off.  But are you putting in your time and getting enough sleep, too?  I found a few articles that you can read and think about your sleep and how it helps you.  

For 6th grade and up students: Generation Zzzzz

For 2nd - 5th grade students: Why All Kids Need Sleep

Try filling out a sleep journal to track your sleep such as the ones here:

Enjoy your extra rest students.  Sleep is an important part of staying healthy!

Friday, March 20, 2020

Scavenger Hunt!

If you are able to head outside you might consider doing a scavenger hunt like this one.  You could also make your own scavenger hunt and if you have a phone you can even snap photos of your finds.  

Or if you are staying indoors you can search for these items inside your home.  Again you could snap a picture with your phone.  If you have a sibling you can even make is a contest!  
Have fun and be creative!  You can make your own scavenger hunt today!

Stay well everyone.  Hope to see you all soon!

Wednesday, March 18, 2020


For those of you who like to play 24 Math Game, I have a few links for you:

4Nums Game - Just like 24
24 Game on Cool Math
Printable 24 cards

These are different versions of the 24 game.  You already know the rules.  See how fast you can get at adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing your way to 24!

Here are a few bonus cards for you to solve:

Monday, March 16, 2020

Hello Gifted Kids! Tell me what you are doing at home on Spring Break 2020

Made with Padlet

Learning Activities Blog- Spring Break 2020

Dear Students and Families, 

I know this break was unexpected and many of you might be home without books or learning activities.  I am going to post here 3 times a week throughout our extended Spring Break.  No activities are required, but I will respond to anyone who completes one of the activities!  You can comment here or in the case of a padlet you can leave a comment.  If parents or students need to contact me, you can contact me by email.  

I look forward to seeing what my amazing gifted students can do.  

I wish you all health and patience during this trying time.

-Mrs. Carney

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Update from CMSD

IMPORTANT UPDATE: Based on Governor Dewine's latest guidance, all Parent Teacher Conferences for Monday, March 16 are canceled. Our student food program will start Monday as planned. Visit for more information.
On Thursday, March 12th, Governor DeWine ordered the closure of all Ohio schools beginning at the close of business on Monday, March 16th for a three-week period.  While there are many implications and details to be worked out in this closure, CMSD is going to operate on the following modified schedule.
Friday, March 13th was the last day of school for CMSD students before the break. School-based staff members reminded students to take all important supplies, personal belongings, medications, and other materials home with them.  They also might have sent home instructional materials for students to work on during this closure. 
Tuesday, March 17th will be used for polling locations as planned.
Thank you for your cooperation and support.

For the latest information and resources on the coronavirus, click here.

AVISO IMPORTANTE: Basado en la directriz más recién del Gobernador DeWine, las Reuniones Padres-Maestros programadas para mañana, lunes, 16 de marzo quedan canceladas.  El programa de nutrición comenzará mañana, así como previsto.  Visite para más información.
El jueves, 12 de marzo, el Gobernador DeWine ordenó el cierre de todas las escuelas en Ohio, comenzando al final del día laboral el lunes, 16 de marzo por un periodo de tres semanas. Mientras que este anuncio tiene varias implicaciones y hay muchos detalles que quedan por determinar, CMSD seguirá el siguiente calendario modificado:
Viernes, 13 de marzo fue el último día de clases para estudiantes de CMSD. El personal escolar ayudó a los estudiantes a recoger sus útiles importantes, pertenecías, medicamentos y otros materiales y llevárselos a casa. Quizás también hayan enviado materiales educativos a casa con los estudiantes para que sigan trabajando y aprendiendo durante el periodo de cierre.
Martes, 17 de marzo—Las escuelas servirán como centros de votación, como estaba previsto.
Gracias por su colaboración y apoyo.
Para la información más actualizada y recursos sobre el coronavirus, haga clic aquí

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Sherlock Holmes Meets the Bully of Baker Street

Today the 3rd and 5th graders at LMM had the opportunity to watch a play called "Sherlock Holmes Meets the Bully of Baker Street".  In this play, we see our smart young heroine, Vicky.  Vicky meets Sherlock Holmes and a cast of characters who lead Vicky and Sherlock on a caper to discover an art thief.  The play was well received by the students.  It was such a pleasure to watch a classic brought to life!