Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Christmas Stockings!!

Hello.  My name is A.P.  I am in fourth grade in Mrs. Carney’s class.  I am a guest reporter for the class blog.  This December, Mrs. Carney got us all stockings.  They are hanging in the back of the room on the bulletin board.  Every day in December if you are in class, you get a prize in your stocking.  She puts different stuff every day.  Almost everyone has a different stocking.  They are all Christmas colors.  The prizes inside the stockings are candies, erasers, stickers, and a rubber band bracelet.  I think the stockings are creative and thoughtful of Mrs. Carney. Mrs. Carney calls Herself Santa Carney. I think that name is very clever and nice. That is what is happening in our classroom this week!