Friday, August 29, 2014

Open House

It's almost that time of year!  Open House is just around the corner.  Please plan to attend Watterson Lake's Open House, September, 9, 2014.  The students would love to show off their hard work and classrooms. 

Thursday, August 28, 2014


This week in the classroom, we began PATHS lessons.  PATHS is a program that helps students build self-esteem and strong peer relationships.  Students love PATHS activities, because they promote creativity.  Student also get a chance to work as a team and independently  PATHS also teaches conflict resolution and positive social and emotional health.

The PATHS student of the day is another part of PATHS that students enjoy!  The PATHS student gets to be a teacher's helper and also gets to be the center of attention as they are showered with positive peer compliments.  Look for students to come home with a paper full of compliments over the next month or so.

If you have any questions or ideas to help us promote PATHS in the classroom, contact me at the school!

Monday, August 25, 2014

Remind Reminder

I've shared with parents the text service I will use for reminders this year.  The text service will be used to send out information directly to your email or text message.  I might use this to remind you about a science project due in class or give the dates for picture day at school.  Don't expect daily reminders, just updates as needed.
The service is provided by Remind, an online program and app.  Besides the blog, this is a great way to keep in contact with you.  All you need to do is sign up via text or email.  There is also an app available, but you don't need that to receive my messages.  Signing up is totally voluntary, and you can unsubscribe anytime!
Here is my personal information for sign-up.  It's very easy!  (They will ask you for your Name and birthdate to complete the registration process!) 

-Mrs. Carney

Just a reminder that

Remind is a one-way text messaging and email system.
With Remind, all personal information remains completely confidential.
Teachers will never see your phone number, nor will you ever see theirs

Friday, August 22, 2014

Study Jams

Study Jams is an on-line site provided through Scholastic.  Study Jams is so much fun!  You can learn about different Math and Science topics.  This week we are using Study Jams to learn about Place Value.  One of the awesome things about Study Jams is that you can even review the videos and practice on-line at home!

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Save Fred!!

This week, the students in Room 305 worked in teams to solve a problem.  Our worm friend, Fred, was stranded at sea.  Students had to work together to rescue Fred and secure a life-preserver gummi on his body.  Students were only able to use paperclips as tools.  Every group was able to use teamwork to successfully save gummi Fred!  Check out some of groups:

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

20 Minutes Daily Reading

This poster says it all.  The best way to become a better reader is to read, read, read, and then read some more.  Not only is reading fun, it also makes you smarter!  Do you know how important it is to read 20 minutes a day?  By just reading 20 minutes (or more) a day at home you will have read nearly 2 MILLION words by the time you reach sixth grade.    Just in case you need a visual for that, check out the info-graphic below!  So, who is going to become an "A" student and read 20 minutes tonight?  Come to school today or tomorrow and tell me about why you should read 20 minutes each night and you'll get a special bookmark as a reward.  

- Mrs. Carney

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Hello Families and Fourth Grade Scholars!

Welcome to another wonderful year at Watterson Lake School.  My name is Mrs. Carney and I will be teaching fourth grade this year in Room 305.  I am excited to begin a new year with such bright and amazing students!  As we begin the year, I wanted to introduce myself and our classroom.  I look forward to meeting each family and getting to know students better in the coming days and weeks. 

I am posting some information for you to reference throughout the year.  This is an outline of our classroom supplies, policies, and contact infomation:

1. Suggested School Supplies:
1 Book Bag
1 Pencil Pouch/Box
1 Box of 24 Crayons
1 Box of 8 Markers
1 Pair of Student School Scissors
2 School Glue Sticks
1 Sturdy Home Folder
12+ Pencils
2 Highlighters
1 Box of Klennex
1 Bottle of Sanitizer

School Supplies not permitted:
Binders of any kind – Our desks do not fit binders, they will be sent home if brought into school.
Liquid Glue – This will be collect from students and not permitted in desks
Pencil Sharpeners (Hand Held) – Keep these for home use, please. 
Rulers, Colored Pencils, and Ink Pens are also NOT necessary – Save these supplies for home. We will use group supplies for these items.

2. Homework:
Homework will be assigned to students every school day.  Monday through Thursday, students will be completing Reading and Math assignments that go along with what we are learning in the classroom.  This not only gives students extra practice but also lets you see what we are learning.  Occasionally, students will have project that will require some work at home.  These projects will be assigned throughout the year, so look for more information about these in the future.  All other homework is collected daily, but will be checked on Fridays.  If students miss an assignment, be sure to get it in by Friday for full credit.

3. 20+ Minutes
Along with homework assignments, students should be reading a minimum of 20 minutes each night.  This is one of the BEST WAYS to help your child to BE SUCCESSFUL in school.  Students will chart this on their weekly planner.  Don’t overlook this important tool for students.  It can improve grades, reading ability, and turn fourth graders into stellar scholars!

4. Weekly Planner/Report:

Each week students will fill out homework and reminders in their weekly planners. Parents must sign the planner twice weekly and may write notes as needed to the teacher. At the end of the week I will attach a short a short weekly report. This will be reviewed at home, signed, and return the following week.

5. Behavior Management:

In Room 305 we will use a ‘clip’ system to track behavior. Students will start each week on “Ready to Learn” and will move student’s clips up or down according to behavior. Students will have consequences in the classroom as clips are moved. Additional consequences such as behavior note sent home, detention, or student court may be assigned if there are continuing problems. Students will be given chances to improve behavior and always start the week on “Ready to Learn”.

6. Dress Code:
Just a reminder that Watterson Lake is a dress code school.  This will be strictly enforced this year.  White or blue solid color shirts with a collar.  Tan, navy, or black solid color ‘school’ pants, shorts, jumpers, or skirts.  White or Navy solid color sweaters may be worn with dress code.  NO hoodies, sweats/leggings, bright stockings, excessive jewelry, hats, scarves, or non-uniform ‘layers’ under or over uniform.

7. Attendence 
Simply stated, students cannot be successful in school if they are not in attendance.  We want your student on-time, in school, daily.  If a student misses a day because of sickness or appointment, please let the office know.  Attendance problems will be reported accordingly, so please make this a priority this year.  School begins at 9:30 with breakfast being served at 9:10.

8. Contact Me
If you need to get a hold of me or the school for any reason, call 961-0154.  You can leave a message and I will return your call as soon as possible.  I also will be available outside after school and before school by appointment.  I look forward to meeting you all very soon.  Let’s make 2014-2015 a year of learning and growing together!

Monday, August 4, 2014

Classroom Preview

Hi Students and Families!

I was at Watterson Lake today getting Room 305 ready for you.  It's not ready yet, but I thought I would give you a little preview!  I am looking forward to school starting next week.  Can't wait to see my fourth grade scholars soon!