Monday, May 18, 2020

Last Day for Gifted Services 2019-2020

This is going to be the last day for Gifted with Mrs. Carney website here for the 2019-2020 school year.  I know that this is not how we thought we were going to end the school year, but I am happy that many of you were able to come and do some of the many activities that I have posted.  For those of you who have not worked through the activities I will keep them up and you can continue to work on them through the summer.

I miss you all!  I hope that you and all of your families are safe and healthy.  Be sure to continue to wash your hands, keep safe distances, and follow the directions given by your family and by the state of Ohio.  

I know this summer is going to continue to be a challenge as we are socially isolating and slowly having stores, community centers, and other places open back up.  I can't believe how much I miss going to the zoo or even going to Walmart or Target!  But most of all I miss learning with you all.  I miss reading amazing books, learning new and challenging Math tasks, building cool end of the year projects, and playing fun games with you all.

I can't wait until we can be together again.  Maybe it will be in August or maybe we will need to wait longer, but either way please know that when we are together again we will get back to learning together and having fun in the Gifted classroom. πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—

Friday, May 15, 2020

Are You Bored, Yet?

Today I am sharing a GIANT list of ideas for if you're bored at home right now.  Check out this graphic with many, many, MANY different activities that you could try at home to break out of your boredom.  Good Luck!  Let me know in the comments what you tried!

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Mrs. Carney's Gifted Giveaway

I have packages with learning materials ready to send out to my Gifted learners.  
Please fill out this form and I will send your package to you!  

 Click Here: πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰Mrs. Carney's Gifted Giveaway!πŸ‘ˆπŸ‘ˆπŸ‘ˆ

Monday, May 11, 2020

Tumble Math - Math Books @ Your Fingertips

If you are one of my Math students, you know how much I love reading Math Books.  

Some of my favorite from the classroom are pictured here.  Well, I found a resource that brings HUNDREDS of Math themed books right to your fingertips.  For an added bonus, the program even reads the books to you!  With animation!  So cool, right?  Share these with your younger siblings, too!  

Go to ➗❌ TumbleMath <--- Click Here!  ❌➗

Here are the Login and Password:
UserName: tumble2020
Password: A3b5c6

Let me know which book YOU read and what YOU learned!

Friday, May 8, 2020

Guess the Missing Letter

Today you will try to guess the missing letter.  For each set of words I have replaced a letter with a symbol.  You need to guess the missing letter for each set of words.

Here is an example:

πŸ’™= ?   The πŸ’™ stands for C making the words corn, ache, voice, and mice!

Here are a few more for you to try on your own.  ANSWERS WILL BE IN THE COMMENTS

😎 = ? Answers are in the comments!

πŸ“Œ = ? Answers are in the comments!

πŸš€= ? Answers are in the comments!

πŸ’§ = ? Answers are in the comments!

These were so much fun to solve!!  I left all of the answers in the comments for today's challenge.  If you want to leave me a challenge, make your own set of words with a missing letter!  I can't wait to see what you come up with.  You can email me or leave your challenge in the comments: @ Lynn.Carney

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Mother's Day Card - Printable

Good Morning Students.  Don't forget that this weekend is Mother's Day.  You might want to celebrate the day with your Mom or other caregiver.  I wanted to share some ideas with you for easy crafts that you could make for your mom/caregiver!

The first idea is to paint a rock!  You can paint or use markers to decorate a rock for your mom!  She will love having this reminder about your love.  Just look for a rock that can fit in the palm of your hand, then decorate with hearts, flowers, and a kind message!  πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ

Another idea is to create a crown for the QUEEN in your life.  You can use any materials you have at
home, simple paper would work or get creative with tin foil, cardboard, or something else!  Surprise your mom with a poem about why she is a queen or how you will treat her like a queen for the day!   Decorate your crown with markers, buttons, tiny flowers, bit of yarn, or whatever you can find.

Finally, you can just make your mom a card, a sign, a poem, write her a story, or give her a hug.  Whatever you do, make sure you say thank you to your caregivers today!

I miss you all and I hope you are having a wonderful day!

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Apptastic! New Educational Apps for Your DeviceAre

Are you spending extra time on your devices at home these days?  I know that I am!  I wanted to share with you today a few apps that you might want to have your parents check out.  These are just a few of the many Math, Science, Social Studies, and Literacy apps available.

😍First, DuoLingo may be familiar to you if you're enrolled in Spanish class.  This app will help you learn a new language!

😍Next Vocabulary Spelling City will have you learning new words and spelling them correctly!

😍NASA Viz will give you a visualization of our earth and the universe right from your device.

😍Pizza Fraction will help students learn about adding and subtracting fractions.

😍Science 360 is an app from National Science Foundation with MANY videos and more all about Science!

😍Stack the States is a fun geography quiz game with a bonus game that has you creating a balancing act using all of the states!

😍Math Planet is available for middle school level mathematicians and offers many problems and games to challenge your Math skills.

😍and finally CoolMath Games is a favorite to play on the computer and it also has an app.  Make sure you look for games that test your Math skills, not just random fun games!

What is your favorite Educational App?  Tell me in the comments below! πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€

Monday, May 4, 2020


Today I have a challenge for you.  We are going to be working with ANALOGIES.  Analogies are a comparison between two things.  In order to be able to solve analogies, you need to understand the relationship between items.

For our analogies today you will have two things that go together like HAND: GLOVE.  You know that a hand is wear a glove is worn.  If I gave you FOOT: __________ . You could think of what you might wear on a foot.  You might respond with sock, shoe, boot, or sandal.  Each analogy has it's own set of relationships.  Think about how the first two things go together and use that as a clue to find the missing item in the second set of things.

You can also read the analogy like this -

"Hand is to Glove the same way Foot is to ________."

Here are some for you to try:

GALLON : QUART :: HOUR : _____________


SLOW : FAST :: SILENCE : _____________

LILAC : PURPLE :: NAVY : ______________

SPOON : SPOONS :: ELF : ______________

I also have a visual analogy challenge for you:

Friday, May 1, 2020

Put That Computer Down! Off-Line Challenge!

Today I want you to put down your computer or device for a few minutes and try one of these "Off-Line" challenges.  "Off-Line" means you aren't using a computer or device for your learning.  These are mini-projects that are hands-on.  Think about which activity best suits you as far as your interest, your grade level, and your many talents.  I've included 3 activities here for you today, but I will try posting different ones next week.  Try one and post a picture of

Challenge #1

Draw a maze.  You can make one with just paper or pencil.  If you have graph paper you can use that, too!  Do you want an extra challenge?  Try to make a maze with crayons or pencils set on the floor.  I can't wait to see what you create.  Post a picture in the Padlet below!

Challenge #2
Make or design something with Symmetry.  Think about shape.  If you want an extra challenge you can think about color, too!  Can you try to build something with multiple lines of symmetry?  You can use crayons, markers, or build something using household items.  Post of Picture of what you made below!

Challenge #3
Make a bunch of paper airplanes.  Try different types of folds.  Use different types of paper.  Which plane works the best?  Can you adjust the wings with tighter folds?  What if you used a smaller piece of paper?  Challenge a sibling to see who can build the best airplane!  Post a picture of your best flyer in the Padlet below.

Don't forget to share what you made below!  I am going to work on the projects myself and post pictures below!  😁😁😁

Made with Padlet

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

I'm Thinking of a Number - Can You Guess?

  • It's a four-digit whole number
  • Its hundreds digit and its tens digit are the same
  • Its thousands digit and its one digit are the same
  • It is an even number
  • The sum of its hundreds digit and its tens digit is 16
  • The sum of all of its digits is 28
  • All of its digits are even
  • It is great than 6000
  • Its hundred digit is 8
  • Its one digit is 6

Can you guess my number???

Vocab Power with FreeRice

FreeRice is a website that helps with vocabulary enrichment.  It's easy (and fun) to play.  Just click here to go to Free Rice.  You can choose a category such as vocabulary.  You click to answer questions as you go.  The questions will get harder as you play, but you will also be learning!!!

The website got its name because the company that owns FreeRice will donate money when people play it.  For example, I check the math and yesterday the company was able to buy 13,000,000 grains of rice for hungry people around the world.  That sounds like a LOT of rice, but it's actually about $300 worth of rice.  That's still enough to feed a lot of hungry people.

Have fun and play around at 
🍚🍚🍚 Free πŸšπŸšπŸš  

Let me know what new words you learned playing there!

Monday, April 27, 2020

Write, Right, Rite with Jason Reynolds

Jason Reynolds is an amazing children's book author.  You may have seen me reading and recommending his Track series.  Those are amazing books and I highly recommend if you are looking for something to read, you check them out.  The books are about an urban track club for kids.  Each kid has a different story to tell, but the story is also about how the kids get along together.  Btw - for you graphic novel lovers, Jason Reynolds also wrote a Spiderman graphic novel staring Miles Morales, so you might want to check that out.

Right now, Jason Reynolds is sharing his passion for storytelling with a project called "Write, Right, Rite".  It's all about giving everyone a voice through storytelling.  Each week he is giving a writing prompt and the prompts are really interesting.  He posts on YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter so if you or a parent have one of those apps you can check him out. 

Or you can watch his videos at the Library of Congress website HERE!

I would love to hear YOU respond to one of the prompts that Jason Reynolds introduces.  In the video below, Jason Reynolds talks about what YOUR HERO would say if he wrote YOU a letter.  This can be ANY HERO you choose.  For example you could think what if Bill Gates, Beyonce, Markiplier, President Obama, LeBron James, or ANYONE else .... imagine if you wrote them a letter and they WROTE YOU BACK!!  Watch the short video below and then send me your response either in the comments below or email me @ lynn.carney  I can't wait to see what you come up with.

Friday, April 24, 2020

Go Noodle for your Family!

Did you know that you can play Go Noodle with
your family at home?  It's true.  I know my family is missing being active and spending time outside.  Are you?  We have been going for walks outside and also spending time being active with videos like GO NOODLE!  Here's the link to try Go Noodle with your family.  Leave me a message below and tell me which activity you did with your family!

 πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ  Click here 🚩🚩Go Noodle !  πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ

Tonight my family did Peanut Butter in a Cup and plus a few of my favorites from Koo Koo Kangaroo.  I can't wait to hear which activities you did!  😁😁😁

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Hatchet -

This is for my students who started reading the book "Hatchet" with Mrs. Carney before schools
closed down.  It's a great book for students starting in 5th grade and up.  The book is about a kid named Brian who ends up alone in a forest with only a HATCHET.  The book isn't scary, it's just about a kid who is learning to survive against the wildness.  You can find the book online if you like to read books online.  I sent the book home with some of the students - so you might have the book at home, too.  

Here's the book I found online Hatchet Book pdf

And here's the link to the Choice Board for activities to go along with the book.

Google Doc Hatchet Choice Board

If you already started a choice board and need a link, leave me a message and I will send you a tinyurl with the link to your board.

I miss you all and hope you are reading something WONDERFUL!  😘😘😘

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Happy Earth Day!

Today, April 22nd is Earth Day.  It's a day to celebrate and recognize everything our Earth does for
us.  We also can use today as a reminder to take care of our earth. 

Here are a few things you can do today to celebrate our earth:

  • Go for a walk!  (Make sure you are still "social distancing"!)  Use your 5 senses to observe what you are seeing, hearing, smelling, and feeling as you walk.
  • Eat extra vegetables and fruits at your meals today.  Isn't it amazing all the wonderful food our earth gives us?
  • Check out today's "Google" doodle.  This is the image on Google for today only.  
  • Draw a plan for a garden.  Is your garden full of flowers? trees? vegetables? fruit? Be creative and draw a plan that is full of life!
  • Set up a recycling station for your house.  You can use boxes or bags.  Draw symbols for different types of recycling such as metal and paper and label your bags or boxes.  You might need to research how your community recycles.  Share your recycle plan with your family!
  • Make a bird feeder.  You can use just about ANYTHING to make a bird feeder from an empty bottle to bagel on a string or a pinecone!  You could even design your own bird feeder.   Be creative!
Those are just a few ideas.  What are some of the ideas YOU can come up with for how to celebrate and take care of our earth?

Have fun with Math

Here is a cool website with fun Math games!

I want to warn you that these games are addictive and sometimes once you start playing them, you just can't stop!  There are games for Math students of all ages, so take time to find the right Math game for you.

 ⚡⚡ ⚡⚡

My favorite one so far is the number worm!  It's so much fun!  You can level up and get more challenging problems.  

Monday, April 20, 2020

Start a Story!

Good Morning Gifted Learners!

Today my challenge for you is to start a story.  I have three different story starters for you.  There is a main idea and then a list of 12 different phrases that you can use during the story (you don't have to use all of the phrases, just use the ones that sound interesting to you!).  You can post your story as a comment or you can save your story for me to read later.  Be creative and have fun while writing stories about:

The problems started on the way to the haunted castle…
witch's broombubbling cauldronrusty suit of armorsleeping king
evil magic teacherdungeonheadmasterstone wall
centaurfloating castlea lonely sorceresspuff of smoke

It all started when I got to my space ship…
water planetcomet incidentgas giantmissing moon
uninhabited planetvery tall alienplanet is missingSaturn's rings
floating robotteleporterunknown planetannoying astronaut

I realized we had a problem during dessert…
get onedropped my forkno napkinsate too much
asked to leaveextra lemonswaiter talked a lotmessy table
only peanut shellsso crowdedit wasn't an appleuneven chair

Friday, April 17, 2020

Puzzles, Puzzles, and More Puzzles for my Gifted Learners

Today I am sharing a fun and different types of puzzles.  These are great my Gifted learners.  

Go to 

There are 3 types of puzzles there. The first kind of puzzle asks you to balance numbers.  Here is an example of a balance puzzle: 

In this example, you can see that the two trapezoids equal 6.  
You also know that πŸ’—+6+6 = πŸ”΅+πŸ”΅
And if you add πŸ’—+6+6 +πŸ”΅+πŸ”΅=44 
So πŸ’— = 16 and each πŸ”΅= 8 

There are two other kinds of puzzles including the Who Am I? Puzzles which gives clues to a 3 or 4 digit number and Mystery Grid which is similar to Sudoko if you've ever played that.

If you take on the challenge, good luck and tell me (IN THE COMMENTS BELOW) which puzzles you have solved!

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Happy Hump Day!

Have you ever heard of Wednesday being called Hump Day?  It's because Wednesday is in the middle of the week.  Once you are finished with Wednesday you're "over the hump"! LOL

For Something fun today I have loaded up a few videos.  These are part of the Puzzlement Series that I sometimes share with you, especially on Fridays. 

Marble Races!  I have to admit I was on the edge of my seat rooting for these marbles!  Do you think we could recreate this in our classroom???? 

Cats and Dominos! This video made me LOL.  I love the different ways the dominoes move.

A very, very complicated lemonade machine. My son loves watching videos like this.  Do you know what you call a machine like this that has no purpose and many moving parts in one direction?  Leave me a note in the comments if you can tell me what it's called.

Click and enjoy a little break, today!

Monday, April 13, 2020

Scholastic Magazines for Reading, Math, Soc, & Sci

You can read some GREAT, INTERESTING, and AMAZING stories at

Follow THIS LINK to read (there are articles integrating Math, Social Studies, and Science, too!)

The site includes daily lessons for PreK/K, Grades 1–2, Grades 3, 4, 5, and Grades 6,7,8 and high school.   Choose your grade and get reading!

There is an interesting story for middle school students on how EMOJIs are created!  EMOJI ARTICLE

Friday, April 10, 2020 At Home

If you have access to an electronic device such as a tablet, Chromebook, or computer, you should check out  Remember when we did these lessons in class together?  Yay!!!! has some lessons especially for our time away from school.  Try one of the lessons and then leave a comment here. Tell me which activity you tried and what you learned! At Home

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

50 Years with the Cavs

The Cleveland Cavs are celebrating 50 years in 2020.  To celebrate, The Cavs have some fun facts and Cavs History to share. Over the past 50 seasons, the Cavs have had numerous legendary players who made their mark on the franchise. There are seven legends whose jerseys have been retired over the years. Can you name the player and jersey numbers of these seven legends?  Leave your guess in the comments!

This month I have some challenges for you right from the Cavs:
  • Relive highlights of the 50 seasons of Cavs basketball by visiting to read and watch the story of how we got to where we are today!
  • Celebrate reading by reading 50 minutes or 50 pages of their favorite books each week in April.
  • The Cavs challenged us to create a “Top 50 Books” list to honor 50 seasons of Cavs basketball! I will start by adding the names of books that I have read with Walton and Luis Munoz Marin Students.  You can add your ideas, too! Let's see if we can get to 50!!

Made with Padlet

Monday, April 6, 2020

Enrichment Resources

CMSD is currently distributing learning packets. These are academic enrichment materials that are handed out with pick-up meals and posted on the CMSD website:

You can also go to any Staples Store in Cleveland and have them printed out for free.

Here is a list of the links to resource packets you will find when you click the link:

And here is an example of a story in the 4th-grade packet:

I do hope everyone is able to check out these resources.  I miss you all and hope everyone is doing well.  - Mrs. Carney

Friday, April 3, 2020

Poem a Day

How about a poem a day?  Reading a poem every day will keep those muscles in your mind stretching and working hard. Here a link to a great resource for you to find your daily poem.  After reading poems for the next week, maybe you will be ready to start writing your own poems!

Here's the link to some great poems: Poems Kids Love

Poems in Spanish and English: Poems in Spanish and English

And another link: Animal Poems

And just one more: Poems about Families

Monday, March 30, 2020

Printable Resources from CMSD

Did you know that CMSD has printable resources for students in Grades k-12 available on their website?  Please visit and access your grade level for Math, Reading, Science, and Social Studies lessons.

Access all materials HERE

Here is an example of what you might find in 4th grade Math

Friday, March 27, 2020

It's StoryTime!

Want a good old-fashioned Story Time?  Look no further than Story Line Online.  This webpage has dozens of books read aloud to you (sometimes by famous actors and authors!).  Explore the titles and listen along!  Make sure you leave a comment below and let me know which book you listen to at Story Line.  

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

PBS Kids, Resources

PBS might have been your favorite when you LOVED Elmo or Dora, but have you checked it out lately?  There are some great games, resources, videos, and learning activities.  I am linking a few here, but go explore for yourself!

Design Squad!

Wild Kratts!

Odd Squad!

Cyber Chase!

Explore away and share with your younger siblings and cousins, too!