Tuesday, December 8, 2015


Today, the students participated in HOUR of CODE.  This is part of National Computer Education Week.  The students participated in reading and writing computer code.  The students are turning into computer programers!  These skills are both high interest to students and also could lead to a career pathway in technology and computer engineering. 

Some of the students played minecraft programing Steve where to pick up and place minecraft blocks.  Other students programed BB-8 to roll around the screen.  A few students wrote a code to have Anna and Elsa skate around the screen creating snowflakes.  ALL of the students learned something and had fun.

If you would like to learn more about code, visit Code.org

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Rock and Roll Hall of Fame

Another field trip, this time to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.  THe students first participated in a program to learn how musicians tell stories through song.  The students (pictured) were telling the story of The Beatles "Yellow Submarine". 

After the program the class was given time to tour the rest of the museum.  Some of the favorites were Taylor Swifts sparkly dress and Beyonce outfits that were just to cool to describe.  While Mrs. Carney enjoy the good old fashioned Rock and Roll, the students explored old-fashioned guitars, interactive displays, and more.

Thanks to the chaperones for helping out with touring!

Our next trip in January is to the Aquarium!!

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Hour of Code

Next week is National COmputer Science Education Week.  To honor this day, many organizations like CODE.org are hosting an "Hour of Code".  THis is an hour of time set aside for students to practice computer programming and coding skills.  These skills are both high interest to students and also could lead to a career pathway in technology and computer engineering.

In Room 203, the fourth graders will be participating in an "Hour of Code".  I already previewed the lessons with the students, and you can, too, at home.  This year, the lessons connect to favortie movie and video game characters. 

If you would like to learn more about code, visit Code.org